Happy New Year 2015 Images| New Year 2015 Wallpapers | New Year Photos | New Year 2015 Pictures
New year is the time to bid farewell to the old
Year and welcome the coming year.
It is the time to forget and get past memories
That are no longer useful or worth pondering upon.
Let us
Forget and forgive
Happy New Year
As the New Year makes its way
Through the cold winter…
Sending you a warm ‘Hello’
and wishing you a
Happy New Year!
Wishing you a year of health,
wealth, happiness, luck, warmth…
And loads of love of your dear ones!
Hope the New Year
showers you with…
All that is beautiful!
Happy New Year!
May your world
be filled with warmth,
joy and good cheer…
Wishing you a
Happy New Year!