6 Women Entrepreneurs You Must Know!



You thought the entrepreneurial reign was limited to men only? Think again these are a few examples of women entrepreneur who have proved us wrong and showcased their innate flair for entrepreneurship…

Gisele Bundchen, founder Sejaa Skincare:


Is being the world’s most powerful supermodel all that is important .Gisele decided to take a step further and have her own line Sejaa based on natural skincare products

Tory Burch, Founder and CEO, Tory Burch

tory burch

Is working with designers such as Vera Wang, Ralph Lauren and Narciso Rodriguez a dream come true?? Here is a women who made it possible known for her 200$ ballet shoes this millionaire launched her own brand out of her Manhattan apartment in 2004. Her self-titled lifestyle lines range from accessories to ready-to-wear

Weili Dai, Cofounder Marvell Technologies

weili dai

Ever wondered about the marvel behind Marvell technologies?? Its Weili Dai the only women co-founder of an American semiconductor company. The Chinese-born, U.S.-educated “geek” co-founded Marvell Technology Group in 1995 with her husband, Sehat Sutardja.

Arianna Huffington, Founder Huffington Post


All of us have read at least one article in the Huffington post but little did we know about the woman behind the success of the Huffington post.

Arianna Huffington created the Pulitzer prize-winning (and AOL assimilated) Huffington Post which continues its momentum in 2013 expanding to new international editions.

Entrepreneurs’ back home…



Known to be the “master brewer” of success with her start-up BIOCON. She was included in the Forbes Asia’s 50 businesswomen and Forbes list of world’s 100 most powerful women not many of us know that she is also a padmabhushan awardee



The “QUEEN OF INDIAN SOAPS “they say who was chosen as the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the year{2001} and the economic times business women of the year and her only dream in life is her company to have an international presence in TV content and organize prestigious events.

– Khyati Kotiyan

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