5 Places Which Unbelievably Exists!


Here are some 5 unbelievable places which actually exists … These places looks like some scene of sci-fic film but in reality it was created naturally and some were used as location for shooting certain films too !!

  • Salar De Uyuni, Bolivia

During the rainy season, this world’s largest salt flat becomes the world’s largest mirror. The Salar was born when several prehistoric lakes joined into one. The salt flat is so reflective, it’s used for calibrating satellites .




  • Tianzi Mountains, China

These uniquely tall and thin mountains and they were used in James Cameron’s “Avatar.” It was Formed underwater 380 million years ago, the flow destroyed surrounding sandstone, leaving only resist-anting stone pillars. Some of the columns have reached over like 4,000 feet above sea level.




  • Sentinels of the Arctic, Finland

These are actually giant trees which are covered in snow and ice and this strange phenomenon occurs in winter, when temperatures goes from -40 to -15 degrees centigrade.




  • Glowworm Caves, Waitomo, New Zealand

Looks like some scene of some fictional movie or some edited scene but in reality it is thousands of tiny glowworms hang to the ceiling of this grotto and radiate a luminescent light,




  • Lake Hillier, Australia

Looks like it is some kind of giant chewing gum but this pink color of this lake is a result of a dye created by algae and bacteria in the water. Despite this odd phenomenon , the lake doesn’t seem to have any adverse effects on humans or local wildlife.


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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