10 Questions You Should Be Able To Answer Before You Say ‘I DO’


Before You Say ‘I DO’

‘I Do’ is not just a word but it is the step, a decision on which you take on which your entire life stand on. It means you are no more one but you are going to become one with someone whom you have chosen. It means becoming two hearts one soul. You hearts get connected forever on the will of your own, you family and most important God’s will. This entire thing is nothing but marriage which is a bond and a name give by society which is every important for the couple who wants to live together in respect. Other then the society that demands for it, it is the decision of the two people who in their full conscious and senses together decide to give a name to their relationship and want to share their entire life together.

One got to realize is marriage is not just a celebration wherein you dress up randomly take vows and have party. It is a sacrament wherein the Christians takes Vows and say ‘I Do’ wherein the other religion have the ‘Saath phere’ which also means but just different names due to different traditions and customs. This is a turning point in life which is for good or bad depends on the two people who make the decision. You also got to realize marriage is not just the two of you getting one but two families from different backgrounds and cultures coming together and becoming one too.

Marri9age is not like teenage relationship wherein today you are together and tomorrow you part away. It is decision for life wherein both the partners in their full of ability give everything to make the relationship a fruitful one. So before involving your family you both together have to think and question yourself that are you both ready to take the vows…

The questions you should ask yourself are….

  1. Is he/she the right one?
  2. Am I ready both physically and mentally for the big decision?
  3. Am I ready to take up new responsibilities?
  4. Am I ready for adjustments?
  5. Is it the right time for marriage?
  6. Is the person right?
  7. Does the person understand and do you understand him equally?
  8. Does he treat you equally and will he be there for you always?
  9. Will he love me the same after marriage?
  10. Will he remain the same or will he change?


These are questions you must ask yourself if the answers are satisfactory then go for it or else see that you both together work on those queries and then take the lifetime decision.

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