Explain methods of Training and Development


Explain methods of Training & Development.

Ans.    Training & development methods for managerial personnel can be divided into two groups as follows :


1.      Job Rotation :

          Job rotation involves the transfer of trainees from one job to another and sometimes from one branch to another. Job assignment under a rotation system may last for a period of 3 months to 2 years. The trainee is given full duties and responsibilities of the rotated position. It is more suitable for lower level executives.

Advantages :

  • Job rotation promotes creative thinking and enables for executive development.
  • It provides a rich experience to the candidate in a variety of matters.
  • It does away with the monotony of routine duties.
  • It creates a second line of competent executives to meet the problems of transfers, turnover, etc.
  • It identifies the most suitable position for an executive. The position in which the trainee performs better is generally offered to him.

2.      Planned Progression :

It is similar to job rotation, except that every movement from one job to another involves higher pay, position and duties. In job rotation, every movement involves more or less same pay and position. Planned progression is more likely to occur at higher managerial levels, whereas, job rotation occurs mainly at lower level positions.

3.      Coaching & Counselling :

          Coaching : In coaching, the superior plays an active role in training the subordinate. The superior may assign challenging task to the subordinate for the purpose of training. The superior may assist and advice the subordinate to complete the assigned task. In this case, the superior acts as a coach in training the subordinate.

          Counselling : In this case, the superior plays a passive role in training the subordinate. The superior may assign challenging task to the subordinate for the purpose of training. The superior may provide advice to the subordinate in the completion of task, if so required. In this case, the superior acts as a guide rather than a coach n training the subordinate.

4.      Understudy Position : The trainee is given an understudy position. The trainee handles some important aspects of his superior’s job. The trainee, at a future date, is likely to assume the duties and responsibilities of the position currently held by his immediate superior.

The understudy technique ensures a company that a fully qualified person will be available to take over a present manager’s position whenever he leaves the position through promotion, transfer, retirement or resignation.

The understudy person is generally asked to do the following :

  • He may be asked to investigate and make written recommendations about problems an projects related to a unit or department.
  • He may also supervise a small group of employees to experience leadership qualities.
  • He may be called to attend executive meetings either with or in place of the superiors.
  • He may be called to assume superior’s position in his absence.

5.      Junior Boards : In western countries, junior boards are formed. It permit promising young middle-level managers to experience problems and responsibilities faced by top-level executives in their company. About 10 to 12 executives from diverse functions within the organisation serve on the board for a term of say 6 months or more.

The board is allowed to study any problem faced by the organisation, in respect of personnel policies, organizational design, interdepartmental conflicts, etc, and to make recommendations to the senior board of directors.


1.      Classroom Methods : Classroom methods for training managerial personnel include lectures, discussion, role playing, and case study.

          Advantages :

  • Training can be given to a large group of trainees at a time, especially in the case of lecture method.
  • Both theoretical and practical aspects are emphasized.
  • Training can be done in a short period of time.
  • It is economical.
  • Senior and qualified expert can train the executives. At times, an outside expert is invited to give a lecture or for debate.
  • It generates interaction among different executives belonging to various departments, and ranks.

2.      Simulation : A simulated learning situation in an imitation of reality. It is a technique wherein the trainee is trained in an environment that closely reflects and represents actual work place. It tries to duplicate actual conditions encountered on a job. Simulation is a very expensive training technique, but it is useful or even necessary, where actual on-the-job practice could result in a serious injury, a costly error, or the destruction of valuable company materials or resources.

3.      Business or Management Games : Business games are classroom simulation exercises in which teams of individuals compete against each other to achieve given objectives.

          For instance, teams may be asked to make decisions concerning pricing, production volumes, research expenditures, advertising and sales promotion plans, channels of distribution etc. Team actions and decisions are fed into a computer that has been programmed according to a particular model of the market. Business game participants learn by analyzing problems and by making trial-and-error decisions.

4.      Committees and Conferences :

          Committee : A committee can be a method of training. The junior members of the committee can learn from the discussions and interaction with the senior members of the committee. The senior members also can learn from the opinions and views expressed by the junior members.

          Conferences : In the case of conferences, group discussion and meetings are held to discuss various issues and to provide solutions to various problems. The chairperson leads the discussion and then the participants attempt to provide solutions. The conference acts as a group interaction and exchange of views and ideas. It reshapes thinking of attitudes of the participants.

5.      Readings, Television and Video Instructions : Planned reading of relevant and current management literature is one of the best methods of management development. It is essentially a self-development programme. A manager may be aided by training department, which often provides a list of valuable books. The manager can discuss the relevant articles with the senior manger and get necessary clarifications.

6.      Seminar and Workshops : Management employees can be trained with the help of seminars and workshops. In seminars, trainees present their papers on work related developments. The paper presentations are reviewed by experts. The experts may give their insights on the topic presented y the trainee. In workshops there is a good interaction between the trainer and the trainees. The trainer may present his views on certain developments and then initiate interactive discussion. The trainees can get insights due to the views expressed by the trainer and other trainees.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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