The Perfect Order:
The ultimate in logistics quality is to do everything right and do it right the first time and all the time. The notion of the perfect order is that desired customer service capability, in terms of availability and operational performance, should be synchronized to achieve target service goals each and every time. The order should also be complete in terms of all aspects of service from order receipt to delivery coupled with error free invoicing. This means, the total order cycle performance must be orchestrated with zero defects. The availability and operational performance must be perfectly executed and that all support activities such as invoice accuracy and appropriate product presentation must be completed exactly as promised to the customer.
To summarize, the following observations may be worth-making:
(i) If the basics of customer service are not in place, nothing else matters.
(ii) All customers may define service differently.
(iii) Relationships are no: one-dimensional.
(iv) Partnerships and added value can “lock up” customers.