SYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 3 Syllabus: Marketing Management


Teaching Hours and Assessment Pattern of Marketing Management:

  1. No. of sessions of 90 minutes – 30
  2. No. of sessions of 90 minutes per week – 2
  3. Continuous assessment – 40 IA
  4. Semester End examination -60 IA
  5. Total marks – 100
  6. Duration of theory paper – 3 hours
  7. No. of credits – 2

The detailed syllabus of marketing management is as follows:

Introduction to Marketing:

  1. 4Ps and 3 Cs of marketing
  2. Marketing as an activity, function and philosophy
  3. Needs, wants and demands, transactions, transfers and exchanges
  4. Orientation of a firm: production concept, product concept, selling concept, and marketing concept.
  5. New trends in marketing – e-marketing, internet marketing, marketing using social networks
  6. Societal marketing / relationship marketing.
  7. Marketing research, MIS, consumer behavior
  8. Micro environment of business – management structure, marketing channels, markets in which a firm operates, competitors and stakeholders.
  9. Macro-environment – political factors, economic factors, socio-cultural factors, technological factors PEST analysis.

Marketing Research:

  1. Importance of marketing research
  2. Types of marketing research
  3. Product research, sales research, consumer / customer research, promotion research.

Consumer Behaviour:

  1. Basic stimulus response model
  2. Influence on consumers decision-making process
  3. High involvement and low involvement products
  4. Influences on buying behavior – cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors – Maslow’s Hierarchy
  5. Methods of sales forecasting
  6. Industrial buying behavior, product and brand management, STP,
  7. Industrial buying behavior
  8. Decision making process
  9. DMUs and its composition – factors influencing purchasing: economic environment, organizational factors, inter-personal characteristics and individual buyer characteristics
  10. Key differences between consumer and organizational buying

Product and Brand Management:

Products –

  1. Core,
  2. Tangible and
  3. Augmented products.
  4. Product mixed decisions:
  5. Product line decisions,
  6. Strategic filling,
  7. Line modernization decisions.
  8. New product development process,
  9. Idea generation,
  10. Screening,
  11. Concept development and testing,
  12. Marketing strategy,
  13. Product development,
  14. Market testing,
  15. Test marketing,
  16. Commercialization.

Product life cycle:

  1. Introduction,
  2. Growth,
  3. Marketing,
  4. Decline.

Brand Management:

  1. Brand equity,
  2. Branding decisions,
  3. Brand extensions,
  4. Brand portfolios


Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP):

  1. Geographic,
  2. Demographic,
  3. Psychographic,
  4. Behavioural segmentation variable for industrial markets,
  5. Customer location,
  6. Type of industry,
  7. Size of the firm,
  8. Purchase criteria etc.


  1. Undifferentiated marketing,
  2. Single segment and multi segment structures,
  3. Guidelines for selecting target markets.


  1. Identifying frame of reference,
  2. Points of parity and points of difference,
  3. Choosing category membership,
  4. Product and brand differentiation for indentifying of position
  5. Pricing decisions,
  6. Channel decisions,
  7. Promotion mix,
  8. Strategies,
  9. Integrated marketing,
  10. Communications,
  11. Marketing services,
  12. Ethics in marketing.


Pricing Decisions:

  1. Pricing objectives,
  2. Factors influencing pricing decisions
  3. Types of pricing
  4. Mark up or cost plus pricing
  5. Perceived value pricing
  6. Value pricing
  7. Geographic pricing
  8. Responding to competitors
  9. Action through price and non price variables
  10. Impact of the products – stage in the PLC on pricing decisions.


Channel Decisions:

  1. Types of channels;
  2. Intensity of distribution,
  3. Channel conflict and
  4. Channel management.
  5. Retailing importance,
  6. Types of retail formats,
  7. Indian retail scenario,
  8. Promotion mix,
  9. Advertising – importance and scope
  10. Sales promotions – objectives
  11. Consumer promotions
  12. PR and publicity
  13. Personal selling: recruitment, selection, training, motivation and evaluation of sales reps.


Integrated Marketing Communication:

  1. Definition of target audience,
  2. Determining communication objectives,
  3. Designing communication and
  4. Selection of channels.


Marketing Services:

  1. Characteristics of services,
  2. Ways of improving services,
  3. Delivery,
  4. Managing service maturity.
  5. Ethics in marketing:
  6. Advertising Standards Council of India – code of ethics in advertising,
  7. Promotion to children,
  8. Unfair practices in marketing.


The list of reference books of Marketing Management is as follows:

  1. Marketing Management – A south asian perspective – Kotler, Keller, Koshy and Jha
  2. Marketing Concepts and Cases
  3. Marketing Management – Pearson Education
  4. Principles of Marketing – Kurtz Boone
  5. Marketing Management – S.H.H. Kazmi
  6. Marketing Management – Kerin Hartley
  7. Marketing Management – Ramaswamy and Namakumari

marketing management

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