Reference Books by P.G. Gopalakrishnan and Nandini Jagannarayan


Authors – P.G. Gopalakrishnan and Nandini Jagannarayan

Himalaya Publishing House

1) Derivative Markets – This book is written with the intention of providing both to the students of this subjects as well as people who wish to understand the financial markets, financial services and the regulations under which these markets work. This also gives a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of conceptual and operational details of the derivative markets in India. In today’s competitive world, Financial Derivatives occupy a significant and integral part of the global capital markets. This up-to-date and contemporary text gives an in depth analysis of the underlying concepts of Financial Derivatives and deals with the technical aspects of all the important financial derivatives. It also dwells on the   financial markets where these derivatives are traded.

2) Foreign Exchange – The book is intended for the students of Mumbai University pursuing their Third Year B.Com. (Financial Markets) and can be used in other graduate and advanced undergraduate programmes in international or global finance, international monetary economics, and international financial management.

Subjects covered include:

 Foreign exchange markets and foreign exchange rates

 Exchange rate regimes and international monetary systems

 International parity conditions

 Balance of payments and international investment positions

 Open economy macroeconomics

 Balance of payments issues and exchange rate movements

 Global derivatives markets

 Derivative financial instruments for foreign exchange risk management: currency futures, currency options, and currency swaps

 Measurement and management of transaction exposure, economic exposure and accounting exposure

 Country risk analysis and sovereign risk analysis

 Foreign direct investment and international portfolio investment

3) Equity Markets – II -In the current scenario, investing in equity markets is a major challenge even for seasoned professionals. This book is targeted at undergraduate students of B.Com., (Financial Markets). The book offers conceptual clarity, in-depth coverage and the Indian context with its emphasis on a student-friendly approach and an attempt to demystifying the tough subject. The book elaborates the basics of investment and different forms of securities of the Indian stock markets. The functioning of the secondary market and how an investor goes about buying and selling the stocks is presented in a lucid way in this book. The major stock exchanges and their trading pattern are depicted clearly in Chapter 9. Chapter 5, expounds SEBI and its role in the stock market. Chapters 6,7 and 8, exclusively deals with the different aspects of Security Analysis. The theoretical tenets and the assessment of the value of the stocks are presented in Chapters 6,7 and 8. The chapter on fundamental analysis gives systematic approach for estimating the present and future worth of stocks through economic industry company analysis. Chapter 8, explores the various methods adopted by technical analysts to study the stock price movement. The chapter on efficient market theory portrays the efficient markets and the theory of random walk.

4) Financial Accounting – Accounting is a growing and developing subject. The accounting concepts, procedures and techniques are also being reviewed and revised. The book plans to give a clear exposition of the same to the students. The book is replete with illustrations; solved as well as unsolved for the purpose 0f self-test and practice.

India today is undergoing the demolition of its rigid structures, cumbersome rules and procedural aspects, and building a higher degree of integration with the rest of the world. This integration, unequivocally, brings in new opportunities by extending trade beyond the geographical boundaries of the nation. At the same time, it presents risks. This risk management demands new set of products and competencies.

The economic rationale behind the introduction of derivatives in any economy is risk management and efficient price discovery. Fundamentally, derivatives are risk management products. Worldwide, these markets are reflecting unprecedented growth in volumes. In fact, in many countries, volumes in the underlying cash markets.

The exploitation of these products’ value generating capabilities by the market participants requires sound understanding of product nuances and their strategic use. This work will hopefully help readers accomplish that.

5) International Banking and Finance -International Banking and finance is ever-evolving as the world is now confronted with dynamics of an international melt-down and the need to evolve an international consensus to sustain the growth of the developed and developing nations of the world, be it belonging to the G – 7, 8 or 20. Social, Political and Economic compulsions ordain a broader convergence and international order in banking and finance with renewed thinking for international financial architecture.

The chapters are designed to be comprehensive, lucid and cater to the understanding of the students in acquiring the input to score well in the examinations and practice the input of knowledge in their real life. The authors sincerely believe that the book would set an appropriate learning mode to the involved students and teachers to seek better insight into the subject.

6) International Finance – An earnest attempt is made to present the concepts and the contents of the basic in International Finance. This book is exhaustive in contents and primarily covers the syllabus made out for the students of the University of Mumbai

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