Nokia Lumia 1020 – The Phone Scientists Use To Capture Bacteria!



Want a smartphone with a good camera? Go buy the Nokia Lumia 1020 because even scientists are using it and that too for capturing bacteria.

Nokia Lumia 1020 houses an excellent camera, the countless ways in which Nokia Lumia 1020 has been used to promote itself, be it this Red Bull advert or the 50 Lumia setup which created Living Moments – Lumia Arc of Wonder video. But last month, the Lumia 1020 was used by two researchers to photograph and identify a type of bacteria.

In a scientific paper published in a Histopathology (examination of body tissue to study diseases) journal, authors Dr Mark Li-cheng Wu and Dr John Paul Graff described how they employed a Nokia Lumia 1020′s camera to identify a type of bacteria. Both the doctors are experts in the field of photomicrography. In the interview given to Nokia blog, the scientists explained how they connected the Lumia 1020 to a state of the art microscope and used the 1020′s lossless zoom function to get more detail out of what was seen through the microscope.

The Lumia 1020 has been used by the scientists for the last 10 months and he claims that the speed offered by the 1020 in terms of image capture, saving and sending as opposed to a traditional set up where you have to go through a proprietary software is what makes using the 1020 more convenient.

The scientists also made some suggestions such as increasing the battery life, improving the capture rate and making provisions for a microSD card slot to store the high resolution images.

– By Anand Thakkar

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