Event sponsorship


Event sponsorship

When a firm sponsors or co-sponsors an event such as a rock concert, a cricket match, etc. the brand featured in an event immediately gains credibility with the event audience. The audience attending an event already has a positive attitude and affinity for the contest – they choose to attend. When this audience encounters a brand in this very favourable reception environment, the brand benefits from the already favourable audience attitude.


  • Hindustan lever limited:

Project: Lakme Makeover promotion –January 2002

Objective: to present the amazing qualities of Lakme range of cosmetics

City: Delhi

Strategy: tie-ups with select outlets preceded the actual event. They served as the venues for makeovers that were conducted live on the spot. During the course of the promotion, a fashion show, featuring the 3 models that represent the range of the promotion, a fashion show featuring the 3 models that present the range, was also organized. This event led to a considerable increase in the actual sales of the products.


  • Coke and Pepsi keep sponsoring cricket matches.


  • Coke [V]Popstars – this was one of the event sponsorships that had a lot of effect on the sale of Coke. The V Popstars was a very interactive session being shown live on channel Vand all those who watched it and liked it, automatically also developed a favourable impression of Coke because of their association with the event.


  • Britannia’s association with the cricket world cup through the ‘Britannia khao world cup jao’ offer, has had a lot of impact on their sale and their brand image.


  • Ponds association with women’s day creates a special liking for ponds among women.
  • Britannia Tiger sales promotion’s association with the Lagaan Super match also enabled Britannia to develop a positive image for the brand Tiger Biscuits in the mind of the customers and consumers.


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