10 Smart Tips To Take Better Photos From Any Camera


Take Better Photos From Any Camera

Are you disappointed because you cannot take good pictures from your best of best cameras? In order to avoid getting disappointing photos follow these tips to increase your photographic skills and take better pictures with any camera.

  1. Click many pictures

Just go Click! Click! Click as many pictures as possible, this will give you the option of selecting the best out of these many pictures. Practice every day to develop your skills.

  1. Get your subject to relax

If your subject isn’t stable you will never get a good picture no matter what. Let the subject relax or be in a constant position and then you can click a picture.

  1. Look for proper lights

Light plays an important role in any kind of photography. It can be useful or at the same time can ruin any picture. Before you raise your camera, see from where the light is coming. Whether it’s a natural light or from an artificial source, uses it to your advantage. See if the light is highlighting your subject or creating an interesting shadow. You can utilize light to make an ordinary photo extraordinary. Never shoot with the sun directly behind you as it creates boring flat light on the subject. 

  1. Stabilize your camera

Stabilizing your camera helps you capture sharper shots. You can make use of a tripod which using a DSLR. But everyone may not have one instead keep your elbows tucked against your body or place your hand on a plan surface.

  1. Use camera shooting modes

Give your camera the order to perform other function by setting up the specific scenes like portraits, landscapes, close-ups, smile shots and so on. Portrait mode produces sharp foreground and blurry background. Landscape provides everything sharp. For best results, think about the type of scenes you’re going to shoot and set the appropriate scene mode.

  1. Crop as per the need

For better pictures, cut of the excess background and move the camera closer to the subject for a good and a memorable perfect shot.

  1. Shoot from different angles

Angles are also very important for a perfect picture. From different angles the body make seem different. When shooting people you can even slim your subject by holding the camera above them. If you want your subject appear both slim and tall shoot from your knee level so that the angle is upward. Also if you are tall and your subject is someone small or shorter to you, try and shoot from their level. It could be children, pets or flowers.

  1. Capture odd number of things in the background

See for what’s in your frame. It is not only just the subject in the frame but also what’s behind them.  To make the pictures visually more catchy and interesting you could even look for odd numbers objects than even numbers. For instances, capture three trees instead of two or five flowers instead of four.

  1. Make use of flash when need

You may think that you do not need a flash during the day but you’re wrong. You will surely need it if the sun is strong enough to create shadows on your subject. By using flash you can cover up those shadows and create an even exposure.

  1. Keep it simple

Don’t end up trying too many modes or elements in a single picture; it will look messy and terrible. A simple picture with just one or two element could be lot more amazing.

Use these tips to click some amazing pictures. Learn from your own mistakes. Come up with your own tips and techniques for taking fantastic images.

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Daisy Pais


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