Interior Designing A Course Worth Picking Up?


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This decade has seen a lot of new avenues in careers open up. It meant taking up a hobby as a career and no eyebrows being raised. One of them is interior designing which has gained much popularity in the creative youth of today.

In Mumbai, there are two kinds of courses which differ in the span of time the course will last. The government offers a two year diploma course as well as a three year course. The three year course includes a deep knowledge on materials and designs. The course is spread out with visits to various industries as well. The students are taken for visits to showrooms and construction sites to have first-hand knowledge of the subject.

This was about the learning part; do not forget the hardwork and the efforts one has to put in. Days and nights of assignment completion.


The examinations are no less than a war, eight hours of continuous standing on your feet, bending over the sketch board, concentrate and complete the paper too. But this is a smooth walk if you are really dedicated to your work.

This budding industry has a lot of celebrity wives contributing too. Gauri Khan, Susanne Roshan and Twinkle Khanna are a few famous names who have done great in this sphere.


If you are looking for a career in this industry, buckle up because efforts, hardwork and conviction are your tools. It is a sector where one can scale great heights and showcase the creative soul in you.

 – Kashmira Tambe

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