We Care – Nexus 2013


‘We Care’ is a special initiative undertaken by NEXUS that believes to do its bit for the society, to develop better co-ordination , better joint participation, relations and understanding amongst various constituents of the society. This simply means we care about our society.

As a part of this initiative this year, we had organised a ‘Freeze Mob’ in the memory of 26/11 Mumbai carnage that took place four years back. Through this freeze mob and a skit, we wanted to pay homage to the martyrs and victims, who lost their lives in the terrorist attack on 26th November, 2008. During this time, we as a city and as a nation faced 60hrs of- fear, anxiety and nervousness. These 60hrs also brought us together as we lived through this. The significance of this event was to freeze for 3mins, to pay our highest respects to those brave hearts that fought on deadly grounds and achieved martyrdom to save the lives of innocent, forgetting all the differences and standing united to fight for single cause – terrorism. They served the nation without fearing for their own lives. They will always make us proud of their sacrifice, dedication and devotion for the nation.

Through We Care, we aim at building a society with better morals, values and beliefs.

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