“Follow your dreams and make your hobby as your career” says Prof. Pritesh Pradeep Somani


Interview with Prof. Pritesh Pradeep Somani

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  • Tell us something about yourself and your college?

I have completed my MMS (Marketing), I believe in a simple philosophy i.e. consider student as your friend and improve their performance in their academic structure. I completed by Bachelor of Management studies from Mumbai University. I cleared my UGC – NET Examination in June 2012, currently I am pursuing my Masters of Philosophy from D.Y Patil institute of Management studies. I am currently working with Pragati College of Arts & Commerce. It is a prestigious institute which is managed by T.Z.A Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. Principal of the college is Dr. A.P Mahajan, who has worked very efficiently for the development of this College.


  • When did you join the teaching profession? What inspired you to choose this line?

I joined this profession as soon as I completed my Masters of Management studies, as I was very much interested into pursuing my Passion of getting into Academics as a Career. I wanted to get into this field as I feel that this profession needs younger and dynamic people who can work for the betterment of students, I wanted to get into this field because as a student I have faced lots of problem during my BMS days, so I wanted to solve such problems for my students.


  • Which subjects do you teach? Can you share some tips/advice of how to deal with the subjects you teach/study pattern?

I teach a combination of subjects for both BMS and Banking and Insurance, I undertake Business environment for FYBMS, Innovation in Banking and Insurance for SYB&I, Universal Banking for SYB&I, International Business for TYB&I, Indian Management thoughts and practices for TYBMS. Basically for studying subjects like IMTP & IB it becomes very much necessary to update your practical knowledge along with your subject knowledge so that you can give a mixture of both subject as well as some practical example to support your answer.


  • Can a student from Arts/science background also pursue BMS?

Yes, definitely as we say “Management is an Art as well as science” so a student from both arts as well as science stream can pursue BMS as a course.


  • Do you think a BMS Student should participate in College fests and other extra-curricular activities or will this hamper their academics?

BMS is not like other normal degree course which emphasize on academic development. As a faculty I always say my students to participate in different college fests as such fest will provide you an practical knowledge of different students from different college as attending such festival gives an idea to students as how they can learn the skills of Event Management.


  •  Is it possible for BMS students to pursue internships/ additional courses/ part-time jobs alongside BMS?

Yes, definitely a BMS student should go for some part time jobs or Internship during their summer vacation break as it will help them to know what is happening in the real corporate world and it will also add some valuable experience to the resumes of such students.


  • Is the BMS course becoming purely theoretical? Any suggestions you would propose to make it more interactive and practical for students?

Yes, today the BMS course is losing its value as it is been made more of examination point of view, in order to improve the value of BMS course internals should be divided into one project of 20 marks and presentation of 10 marks and a compulsory small industrial visit in your local area for 10 marks. Expert guidance lecture should be made a compulsion as a part of academic interaction.


  • People say BMS is 70 % of first year MBA. Your views on BMS as a course?

Yes definitely as it is a bachelor level degree of Masters of Management studies but students making their appropriate use of 3 years of BMS can definitely have a good knowledge when they are pursuing their MMS.


  • After BMS, is work experience important or a must before pursuing an MBA?

As a faculty I will say that work experience should be a compulsion before getting in to an Masters level degree and that too in Management as this work experience will make the student moulded for a masters degree which can be of a great use when they are doing their job after Masters degree.


  • There is a shortage of eminent professors at bachelors’ level management. With more and more institutes joining the professional courses bandwagon, do you think BMS will become yet another B.Com?

In order to maintain the value of BMS as a course the University should again introduce an entrance exam which will help in getting only the best students to the best colleges and as far as quality of professors is concerned the main reason for lack of quality people is the remuneration that is been paid in such institutes is not so handsome which can get the best players from industry.


  • Do you think the course curriculum is at par with industry expectations? Any changes you propose to the current curriculum?

Definitely BMS as a course needs lots of changes, subjects should be made as per the job market there should be a subject on Event Management, and a special subject which will focus on sales Management as it is the most basic entry level job that an marketing graduate gets in the industry.


  • Today, we often come across students committing suicide out of failure, depression or tension of exams. What are your views on the subject and how should students combat stress?       

Stress is an integral part of work culture as a student it is very much necessary and proper guidance should be given as how to handle stress and stress can be minimized. Stress should always be a positive stress and it should not be like which leads to failure and suicides.


  • What are your professional/career goals?

Moving on to the ladder of success and becoming a role model for my students so that I can say I have achieved something in my life by being a complete dedicated person to the field of academics.


  • Do alumni Stay in touch and tell you about life after BMS?

I have just joined this field of academics, and only one TY batch has passed out under my guidance so these students do stay in touch and talk about their happening in career and how they are feeling now working in a corporate environment.


  • Describe an ideal BMS student in your opinion?

An ideal BMS student is one who can find an ideal combination between academics, events, attending seminars, conferences and continuously conducting some or the other minor research.


  • One touching incident that you may have experienced in your teaching career?

It was when I was going to leave my previous college where I was working, and one of my special student bought me a coffee mug as my send off gift, I still cherish that cup and feel that I have done something for my students.


  • What message or advice would you like to give to BMS students?

Follow your dreams and make your hobbies as your career. Do only what your mind tells you and never work in the field which you don’t like.


Excellent work guys keep up the good work, we were not lucky like today’s students to stay so much updated with the latest happening, but your guys now keep us updated with the latest happening in corporate world.



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