About Udaan 2011


Come January, the eagerly anticipated Inter- collegiate festival of Shankar Narayan College, returns in its 6th year. Participants, volunteers, and spectators attend Udaan year after year, testifying to its enduring nature.
Udaan 2011 gives the oppurtunity to dream and do things. This zest to continue playing is at the core of the festival. It is a 3 day fest beholding funtechastic,nerve cracking and mind blowing events.While good old favourites remain, there are several fresh elements added to the mix, which promises to keep you on your toes.
From completely new events, to old ones revamped, Udaan is bound to keep you entertained throughout, whether or not you are a participant.This website will keep you updated about all things Udaan from now until the 30th of January 2011. Learn about the various departments, events and other miscellaneous fest-related information. If you have any questions at all, you can contact us.
We assure you that we will reply as soon as we can. So tie your shoelaces and get in position.

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