Media Terminology


 Media Planning – the process of deciding how to most effectively get your marketing communications seen by your target audience.
 Media Planner – the person at the advertising agency who develops and executes your media plan.
 Media Plan – the document or flowchart which details the tactics used to accomplish your media objectives.
 Broadcast Media – Either radio or television network or local station broadcasts.

 Print Media – Publications such as newspapers and magazines.

 Media Vehicle – The specific message carrier, such as the Washington Post or 60 Minutes.

 Coverage – The potential audience that might receive the message through the the vehicle.

 Reach – The actual number of individual audience members reached at least once by the vehicle in a given period of time.
 Frequency – The number of times the receiver is exposed to vehicle in a specific time period.
 Gross Rating Points (GRPs) – the total weight of a specific media schedule, computed by multiplying the reach, expressed as a percentage of the population, by the average frequency. GRP is the combined measure of reach and frequency indicating the weight of a media plan. The more GRPs, the more ―weight‖ a plan has. GRP is a unit of audience

measurement, commonly used in the audio-visual media, based on reach or coverage of an ad. A single GRP, usually, represents 1 per cent of the total audience in a given region.

 Brand Development Index: To determine BDI, a market‘s brand sales percentage is divided by the total population percentage of that market multiplied by 100. The brand development index (BDI) measures the sales strength of a brand in a particular area.

BDI = P er cent age o f br a nd ‘s t ot al a ll – India sales in the market x 100

Percentage of total Indian population in the market

This index enables a media planner to allocate the media budget by setting his priorities.

 Category Development Index: To determine CDI, a market‘s category sales percentage is

divided by the total population percentage of that market and multiplied by 100.

It measures the sales potential of product category. Thus it takes into account the potential of all competitors selling the same category.

CDI = P er cent age o f pr o duct cat ego r y‘ s tot al a ll I nd ia sa le s x 100

Percentage of total Indian Population in the market

 TRP (Target Rating Point): A unit of TV audience measurement based on coverage. A

single TRP represents 1 per cent of the targeted viewers in any particular region.

 Cost per thousand (CPM) is one yard-stick to compare the costs of different media. It is the cost of reaching a thousand persons.

 CPP /CPR/ CPRP: The cost of reaching one percent of the target population. CPP is calculated by dividing the cost of the schedule by the gross rating points. National and regional advertising buyers frequently use this cost efficiency measure, since it can be applied across all media.
 Coverage: The percentage of target groups reached through various medium

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