Tsunami City’s “Carnival Day”


Tsunami- Fest By The Bay is a inter BMS college festival initiated by Lala Lajpat Rai College. It is conglomerate of 9 days consisting challenging management events. Each year since 2000 they have themed events in which over 6000 participants are enrolled.
Their USP over the 9 days include the Youth Parliament, The Cultural Day and the Treasure Hunt. This year they bring to colleges Tsunami City!

Tsunami Corporation brings to you this year Tsunami City which is not an ordinary dot on the map, Tsunami city promises to be state of the art and a landmark in technology. A never before seen reality, Tsunami Corporation is proud to reveal the city to the public.
The only thing the city needs is a good administration. Being a corporation, Tsunami needs to find a worthy administration to run their city. Tsunami City would be the foremost in all sectors on the world map therefore having a range of events to test the colleges, they will settle for none but the best.
The first day of Tsunami city is the grand carnival of Tsunami City. A day full of fun and games the 1st glimpse of the mega city is revealed. Limited and unlimited participation events will keep you on your feet throughout. The red-ribbon ceremony will be the first to follow a range of unexplored and unseen events as you enjoy the carnival atmosphere.
The three main events that highlights this day are:

  • Torture Event
  • Follow the Leader
  • Band Event

Our events Chairperson Danesh Mehtas words “Each event is filled with twists that not only challenge the participants but mainly allow them to test their knowledge, creativity and management skills. The above mentioned band event involves using instruments and scrap objects as the twist. The entire committee has worked hard towards making it a tad bit more interesting!”

Tsunami City’s ‘Grand Carnival Day’ was held on the 31st of August, 2012 at the Grand Medical College. They had a footfall of hundreds of students from various colleges with the likes of K.C, H.R, Jai Hind to name a few. The atmosphere was exciting, enticing and a management students dream!


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