How to design the Questionnaire content?


Question content: For each question in the questionnaire, we should pay attention to how well it addresses the content we are trying to get at.


Deciding what to ask there are three potential types of information:

Information we are primarily interested in that is, dependent variables.

Information which might explain the dependent variables-that is, independent variables.

Other factors related to both dependent and independent factors, which may distort the results and have to be adjusted for – that is, confounding variables.


Thus while forming the question content the following question must be answered appropriately.

Is the Question Necessary/Useful?

Examine each question to see if there is a need to ask it at all and if you need to ask it at the level of detail you currently have.


Do Respondents Have the Needed Information?

Look at each question to see whether the respondent is likely to have the necessary information to be able to answer the question.


Does the Question Need to be More Specific?

Sometimes the questions are too general and the information we obtain is more difficult to interpret.


Is Question Biased or Loaded?

One danger in question writing is that your own biases and blind spots may affect the wording.


Will Respondents Answer Truthfully?

For each question see whether the respondent will have any difficulty answering the question truthfully. If there is some reason why they may not, consider rewording the question.



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