• Extranet

    Extranet:             An extranet is a private network which uses the internet protocols and extends beyond an organization’s premises, typically to allow access by clients,...

  • Availability threats

    Availability threats         The purpose of availability threats, also known as delay or denial threats, is to disrupt normal computer processing or to deny processing entirely....

  • Independent e-marketplace

    Independent e-marketplace   An independent e-marketplace is usually a business-to-business online platform operated by a third party which is open to buyers or sellers in...

  • Sniffers

    Sniffers:     A sniffer is a program which captures and analyses packets of data as it passes across a network. Such programs are used by...

  • Commerce server threats

    Commerce server threats The commerce server, along with the web-server, responds to requests from web browsers through the HTTP protocol and CGI scripts. Several pieces...

  • Client/server architecture

    Client/server architecture – The client/server architecture significantly decreased network traffic by providing a query response rather than total file transfer. It allows multi-user  updating through a...

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