Why I Think That Technology Is A Boon To Mankind


Technology Is A Boon


Inventions! Discoveries! All these words indicate that attempts by science have succeeded and has created or discovered things/stuff that would or are benefitting human beings. TECHNOLOGY! What is it? Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways.  It is the collection of tools, including machinery, modifications, arrangements and procedures used by humans. 

We all love electronic gadgets!  Don’t we? Electronic gadgets have become the most important part of our lives. We all have become so addicted to it that every new gadget that launches in the market we wish to buy the same. The term Electronic gadget is not, only restricted to cell phones it includes many other stuff. – PlayStation, Home theatres’, Game machines, Gizmos, Home Appliances, 3D Printers, Curved and Bendable Televisions which were first also known as idiot box,  Smart watches,  Laptops,  Gaming Laptops,  IPad, Portable Chargers,  IPod or mp3 players,  Ereader, and what not the list is endless.

Technology Is A Boon

Gadgets have made our lives so easy that now we don’t even dare to think a day without them. Well a little exaggeration!  But are we not dependant on gadgets from the time we get up? What is the first thing you do after you wake-up? Let me tell you – Most of us check our cell phones, to find out if we have received any important message. Gone are the days when people started their day by brushing their teeth now that has taken a back seat and has become the second task that is, after we are done checking our cell phone. This may seem funny while we read but it is the reality!

On one side it has made our lives so easy that anything we want or need is just a click away; but on the other side it also has its negative effects. For some people electronic gadgets are costly, some don’t have the skills to use, etc. But everything has flip side and so it is accepted whole-heartedly as its benefits are quite more.


Smartphones is one electronic gadget that has become the need of everyone now. Everyone wishes to own the latest model. Companies like SAMSUNG, MIMCROMAX, KARBONN, etc which offer smartphones at cheap rather affordable price make it easier for the consumers. Their prices may be cheap but the quality they offer is as good as a SONY, HTC, etc. Other than smartphones there are two qualities available in all the other gadgets.


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Afifa Qureshi


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