What are the usual contents of a resume?




The resume is an organized summary of the applicant’s particulars. It is not a substitute for a job letter, but a supplement to it. Its alternate titles are “Data Sheet”, “Bio-Data” etc.


The usual contents of a resume are:


Heading:       Name, address and telephone number of the applicant. Job title and career objectives may also be included.


Education:     Academic qualifications mentioning degrees, certificates, scholarships, awards, honors, and other academic recognition received by the applicant. It should begin with the most recent information.


Experience:   Listing of previous employers, job titles and period of service. Brief description of job duties and names of superior may also be included. It should also begin with the most recent information.


Personal Data:  Age, height, health, marital status etc., of the applicant.




Miscellaneous: Co-curricular activities, interests and hobbies of the applicant. Driving license, passport, domicile and national identity card number may also be mentioned if material.



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