What Are The Different Off-The Job Training Methods?


 Off-The Job Training


1. Lectures
Lectures are conducted on various issues like globalisation, India’s foreign policy, disinvestment in oil sector etc.
2. Seminars and conferences
A conference is a meeting for discussing issues whereas a seminar is a conference of specialists.
3. Role playing
Role playing is an exercise or a game in which participants act the part of another character. Budding managers are made to play the role of managers.
4. Simulation
To simulate is to imitate. Simulation is the presentation of real situation of organisations in the training session.
5. Case study
A case is a written account of an actual situation. Analytical skills, logical reasoning, conceptual understanding etc. are tested.
6. Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a sort of group discussion where there is free discussion of ideas. The objective of such discussion is that one idea stimulates other ideas and the group may be successful in developing a great idea.
7. Gaming
Gaming involves forming different teams and each team is told to prepare a comprehensive plan for a year indicating the number of products to be produced, the amount to be raised, the working capital needs, the level of inventory etc.
8. Sensitivity training
It is necessary to be sensitive to colleagues who are under stress. So sensitivity training is advocated.


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