Top 10 Christmas Presents For Your Loved Ones



Christmas is one such festival which is celebrated by almost everyone in the world. Christmas gives you happiness and joy at the end of the year which is treasured throughout the year. On such occasion it is lovely to gift your loved ones a Christmas present. It is always fun to be a Santa and give gifts.

  1. An inspirational/motivational Book

An  inspirational or motivational Book is a great gift for Christmas. As it will keep you motivated and inspire you in the coming year and will teach you things which you can inculcate in your life. An autobiography is always inspiring to read. It helps you to look at life from a different perspective.


  1. Customized stuff

Customization is the new trend, you get many things customized and it becomes the most sweetest and thoughtful gift. You can get customized laptop skins, key rings, phone covers etc. There are many and one of the best gift to give it to your Friends and Family.


  1. Smart-Watches

For a techno savvy person a Smart Watch gift is the best. Smart watches are so much in trend these days that companies and brands are coming out with their own versions. They are the smart watches which are really cool and best present to gift a loved one.  The best in the market now is MOTO 360, this gift is a bit on a expensive side but worth every penny.


  1. Hand-bags

Hand-bags are something which you can gift to your girlfriends, mom, aunts and grannies. You can never go wrong with a hand-bag, it is the best gift to give a lady. Just remember one thing, go for brands like Caprese, Lavie, Esbeda etc. These are brands which are much affordable than other expensive brands. You can also find good bags online on Jabong and Myntra.


  1. Headphones

For music lovers headphones make a best gift. Headphones are available in all price ranges. But there are brands such as Sony, Panasonic, Skull candy and Sennheiser which are really good and affordable. They become a good present for a music lover. One can buy headphones online on Flipkart or Amazon.


  1. Soft toys

Once someone told me that Soft toys are one such toy in the world which is loved by everyone. Especially A big fluffy TEDDY BEAR. It is a classic gift, there is nothing new in it. But still it makes anyone happy to get a teddy bear as present.


  1. DVD/Bluray

 Now presenting a DVD or Blu-ray is old-school and there is nothing new. But presenting some of the classic TV serials or Dramas is special. A DVD or Blu-ray of must loved series FRIENDS, HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, SHERLOCK etc. is one of the best gifts. For kids you can present them with Disney movie Sets which is also very nice present. For Hindi TV serial, you cannot go wrong with SARABHAI v/s SARABHAI series. These series will bring joy in the lives of your loved ones.


  1. Candles

One can never go wrong with nice scented candles. You can find them in any gift store or on online store. They are a classic and can never go out of trend.


  1. Perfumes

Giving perfume as a present can be a bit tricky. Perfumes are extremely personal, one can like sweet scent, one can like strong musky scent or one can like fresh scent. So make sure you know very well the person choice and preference in perfumes before giving them. They make a really cool gift to give it to someone.


10.    Gift cards

Gift cards are something which you can give to your friends, when you are confused or don’t want to take a risk choosing a wrong gift for someone. Let them decide themselves what to buy. Give them Gift cards and the problem is solved. There are many stores who offer this service of gift cards.




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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