Awesome Wonderful Tips & Tricks To Study & Solve 75 Marks Financial Management Exam Paper
Hi Friends. Writing After a long time. But maybe it took time to prepare some tips tricks and techniques for my favorite and the most...
Hi Friends. Writing After a long time. But maybe it took time to prepare some tips tricks and techniques for my favorite and the most...
1) Remove the fear of numerical and do not have preconceived notions about this paper. 2) Believe in yourself and do not fall prey to...
Wealth Management Answer all questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Attempt any 2 sub questions from Q 1-4. Q1 a. Explain the process of wealth...
TYBMS Sem V (Revised Syllabus) (ATKT) Exams are going to commence from 7/3/2011. Timetable would be put up soon! 🙂
1) What are the important things to remember while solving an HRM and Entrepreneurship Exam? Ans: First thing to do is mark the questions which...
SERVICE SECTOR MANAGEMENT 1) Introduction to service marketing · Role of service in modern economy · Marketing challenges of service · Service marketing environment ·...
For Service Sector Management: Students should know all the concepts thoroughly. Explanation of the answers with examples is always best. In case study, students...
TYBMS Sem V (Old Syllabus) (ATKT) Exams are going to commence from 7/3/2011. Timetable would be put up soon! 🙂
How To Study For Entrepreneurship Exam : Quick Tips By Prof. Rachana Mehta 1) Write more and more examples of Entrepreneurs who are successful. ...
1) Past papers and the question banks would help in understanding the important questions that may come in the exams. Question Banks: Question Bank...