It has been almost 67 years we got our own identity, a nation where all of us tie their hands together and pray for the well being of the nation. We are a cluster of secular beings, yet similar to each other in some or the other way. We might quarrel on the senseless topics and even come to warfare when competition comes into action, but believe it or not, when the name ‘India’ comes out from the tongue, all of us suddenly emerge out to be one single handed majority and tie knots with all others. This feelings is called as ‘Patriotic feeling’.
The feeling of patriotism is not enforced by any one of us, not is it applied by unfair means. The following is inevitable in nature, it just flows naturally. It comes out in a wink and make us feel special for the constitution of which we are a part of. It is a kind of mental pleasure that one experiences when he or she feels positive as well as proud of his or her nation. The stimulus varies from person to person, may it be a movies or a win at the international level or the hearing of the national song or the anthem. Almost all of us, raise our heads just in the pride and respect of our motherland. ‘Cos we love our nation. Even though we hardly get time to express it, we are fond of the country we reside in. Ain’t we?
Hasn’t that feeling already started to roll around your mind till you came here to read this? I bet it did. Now coming to the purpose why this article is being wrote. We all love movies, some are excellent, some are nasty, a bit are decent, others don’t last even a week. Inspite, we all are excited to watch movies. Now, what when the feeling of patriotism gets camouflaged with the movies. We comes out is the brilliant combination.
So for you readers, we bring forth, some of the movies that will make you feel proud and you will get another reason to reside in India for years to come.
1. Mother India (1957)
‘Mother’ a term that is self sufficient to be called as the superhero of every family. A story of a mother, living alone with her sons, struggling against all odds and standing out in front of others as an ideal women. This movies was India’s first official entry to the Oscars, which just resisted from getting the best movie award by a single vote.
2. Border (1997)
Life is easy at the metros, we feel that we have a hectic day ahead but when it comes to serious business, we are nowhere in the zone called ‘Pressure’. Go towards north, to the extremes, deep into the deserts, where there is no wind, only the scorch of sun, over the head, and heavy arms around, eyes wide open, just to ensure that we are safe. Being a soldier is not child’s job.
3. Lagaan (2001)
Another juncture which is as trending as ever in India is that of cricket. Cricket being the most loved game of the nation, is the most enriching source of creating patriotic felling among the citizens. Lagaan is a perfect movie for such viewers as it depicts the struggle of Ancestral Indians against the British expressed in form of Cricket.
4. Rang de Basanti (2006)
Ever heard of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru? Ever thought what did they do for us? Ever imagined what does sacrifice for the country means? If you want the answers, go and straight away give a look to this movie. As always the Aamir Khan starred and the Ashutosh Gowarikar directed Rang de Basanti is anything but not a vague commitment.
5. Chak de India (2007)
'Tija tera rang tha mai toh,
Jiya tere dhang se mai toh,
Tu hee tha maula too hee aan,
Maula mere ley ley meree jaan.'
Probably the words which give me goosebumps, everytime I hear the song. With all due respect, Chak de India is the movie which made me feel India is the best suitable country for a person like me. Kudos to Aditya Chopra to accept such a script.
6. Bhaag Milkha Bhaag (2013)
A man, who joined army, followed by a career in athlete, with just one goal in mind, to become the best runner for India in the whole world, and making it happen. We bow down to the great Milkha Singh who gave us one more opportunity to feel proud of out nation. Seriously, getting a title ‘Flying Sikh’ for the Prime Minister of Pakistan is no child’s play.
How do you feel now? I guess you must be in seventh heaven. The patriotism will have reached up to the maximum level and it may be on the verge of exploding! Yes, that means you love your country, you are made for this nation. You are on the correct side. You are here to make your country proud. You are here to love your motherland. You are the one. You will make India proud.
We may be a gujarati, we may prefer to reside in Mumbai, we may be fond of Bengali sweets, we may like to dance on western music, we may love to listen punjabi hip-hop, but we all can’t deny the fact, we all are Indians first.
Love you country. Respect your country. On every single day. And not just on Independence Day.
Jai Hind. 
-Parth Dedhia
Border, lagaan, Chak De India and Bhaag Milkha Bhaag were just mesmerising