Mumbai University Gives BMS Students a Reason to ‘Smile’!?



Hey BMSites,

Here is a great news for you all!

Mumbai University for the first time is thinking something really ‘cool’ and for the benefit of the students. 😉

We got to know that Mumbai University is planning to promote the ATKT students to the next level and give them freedom to learn subjects at their own pace.

We mean to say if academic council members understand the students’ pain and if all goes well, then BMS students can just get rid of the ATKT and additional exams system.

Well, we are not joking guys. There was a meeting held on Friday in which the academic council members had discussed about scrapping some of the exam rules under the credit based grading system.

Yeah, true. Although the details are being worked out and the members have also realized the fact that the ATKT results which mostly comes after the admissions to the next semester. Right na?

So, they are thinking that you guys can complete the course as and when you can and learn at your own timelines so that the essence of credit-based learning is not lost.

But before you start partying, let us inform you that the proposal is awaiting to be approved officially.

Also there is one more news – which we think we should leave upto you to decide if it is good or bad or worse.

From this academic year, Mumbai University has decided to give autonomy to all the colleges to decide what they wish to mark students on in the internal exams.

Remember that university had changed the pattern to 75:25 last year? And then you had given internal exams of 20 marks? Hai na?

So now in the meeting it was decided that the colleges can decide if they want to give marks to you on your project work, assignments or exams.

We aren’t kidding guys, seriously all these things had happened in the academic meeting which was held recently in Mumbai University.

If you don’t believe then let’s wait and watch till these things are announced officially by Mumbai University.


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