Measure to ensure ethics in work place


The focus on core values & sound ethics, the hall mark of ethical management is being recognized as an important way to ensure the long term effectiveness of governance structures & procedures & avoid the need for whistle blowing. Employers who understand the importance of work place ethics, provide their work force with an effective frame work & guiding principles to identify & address ethical issues as they arise.


Measure to ensure ethics in work place is


1)      Code of conduct & ethics

2)      Establish open communication

3)      Make ethics decisions in group and make these decision public as appropriate

4)      Integrate ethics management with other management practices

5)      Use of cross-functional teams when developing & implementing the ethics management programme

6)      Appointing an Ombuds person

7)      Creating an atmosphere of trust

8)      Regulatory updating of policies & procedures

9)      Include a grievance policy for employees

10)  Set an example from the top

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