Management Education – Is it necessary to succeed in business?


management education

In the present day world of business, where every aspect of our life is ruled by management, it is very essential for an individual to understand the essence of management at least to the relative terms. It is because, the world has become so complex with times, that it would not function at all when ‘management’ is not there. ‘Management’ is the soul of every business.

When we take up the topic of business, we can look into the past where business was carried out since primitive ages. Only the size, nature and complexity have changed. Doing business, possessing the qualities of a businessman is an inborn or inner trait of an individual. It was present even in our ancestor who had laid down the bases of business earlier though at a small scale.

But the scenario has changed with the fast paced world. With industrialization bringing the entire world under one network, the need for ‘managing’ such a huge complex and multidimensional world is felt which can’t be done without proper guidance and training.
Having understood the need of the upcoming markets and its trend, ‘management education’ has spread all over the world and is helping the aspirant entrepreneurs or the professionals to get the latest knowledge and skills as per the need and expectations of the developments in business. The Education system in India is limited to theoretical knowledge which is confined to just some degrees. But ‘management education’ gives practical embossing over theoretical approach. This gives a complete understanding of the activities of business and the role required to be played by the individuals at a later stage. It’s not that business cannot run without management education. But now, with the increasing competitiveness all over the world, to become the cut over the edge, the upcoming generations of professionals need to possess the required qualities of setting their place in the tough competition by constant innovation and logical and analytical thinking. And ‘management education’ adds up these to an individual’s personality.

So, with the entire discussion and analysis, Business is required to be managed, and Management is the backbone of business. Hence, both “Management” and “Business” go hand in hand and that contributes to the growth of the business at a world wide scale.

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Deepika Murlidhar
Friendly, Adventurous, positive attitude, forward thinking, and most importantly I am proud to be a libran. I love to write poems in marathi, hindi and english.I am planning to do MBA in finance in future. I am here because of my passion of writing articles and sharing my thoughts and I just love this site a lot as it helps students to come out with thier talents and its working on creating a great enthusiasm among students and bringing them under one network to work together. What else can be a good example of first step to revolutionize management education in a broader sense as this. Hats off!!!!! I wish to write articles so that I can reach many of my fellow friends and together we can work upon various aspects that needs our attention a lot especially our motherland India.


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