Interview with Ainul Roy, FY & SYBMS Topper, Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute


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Name –Ainul Roy

College Name – Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute of Financial & management studies

Course Name –BMS

Which year:  TY

Rank in FY / SY :Semester I: 1st- 78%

Semester II: 2nd- 76%

Semester III: 1st-71%

Semester IV: 1st-81%

  • Tell us about yourself, your background, why did you join BMS and what do you plan to do after BMS?

ANS: Hi, This is Ainul Roy, studying in the TY; almost at the end of this course. I love reading books and can spend an entire day in the library. Apart from this I have a keen interest in learning human psychology, doingpractical’s in Physics, chemistry n biology.  I didn’t know BMS would be such a fun after joining. Actually, gettingme enrolled for this course was a mere coincidence because, I knew plain BSc won’t work for me! And this decision proved right! I would begetting in the industry andam planning to work for a year or two along with my UPSC preparations. Besides I’ll also plan my masters in labour studies.

  • How does it feel to be a Topper of the college in Semester exams?

ANS: It feels amazing being famous as the topper of the college. You are known by everyone n mostly you’re the eye candy of your faculties!! But, apart from the fun side; there is huge responsibility to keep in sync with the studies and extracurricular activities! Because, there’s LOTSOF COMPETITION around!

  • Whom will you credit your success to?

ANS: My parents, of course. And my peer group and also my teachers without whom this is not possible.

  • Did you start preparing from the first day of your FY / SY?

ANS: Not at all, but yes you need to revise things on a daily basis. I made it a habit since school days, that whatever was taught I simply practiced or read it once, just to make sure that the concept was clear. This actually helps in exams.

  • How did you study for Semester I / Semester III? (Share some tips / advice for each subject)

ANS: 5. I have the habit of making notes during lectures that give me an understanding about thesubject, the faculty also while teaching usually tells about important concepts and chapters. Just extra working on those concepts can fetch you good marks. The odd semesters (1,3,5) are usually tough but group studies, discussions can help you a lot (It happens in my case).

  • Which are the easy subjects in Semester I / Semester III?

ANS: Sem1: Foundation of Human Skills, Principles Of Management, Business Communication

Sem3: Research methodology, Marketing management, Production and material management

Sem4: Export-Import, Rural Markets

Sem5: HRM, Logistics, Services Management.

  • Any special way of writing the answers? Do you write answers in bullet points or in paragraphs?

ANS: 7. Answers should always be systematic. Concisely written Format would be: – Introduction -Body or main structure of the answer -Conclusion and in case of highly theoretical subjects like HRM or Strategic Management, Banking, all Diagrams, flowcharts can fetch you some brownie points.

  • How do you crack case studies in theory and practical subjects?

ANS: Case study should be read thoroughly 2-3 timesand imagining yourself in the situation can help you in coming with better solutions. (PS: Identify the SWOT of d case)

  • Did you draw any diagram in any paper? Is it mandatory? Does it help to get more marks?

ANS: Yes, Diagrams definitely help you in getting more marks. Besides, it creates a good impression on the examiner.

  • Any specific study pattern adopted i.e. timetable / how many hours per subject per day etc.?

ANS: No specific timetable. But, I made a habit of studying 2 hours every day in the evening since my school days. It actually works.

  • How do you fight against mood swings and distractions during exam preparation?

ANS: A conference call with your friendsdiscussing about the subject and ample of sleep helps me get over mood swings and boredom.

  • If you are made the Vice Chancellor of Mumbai University, what changes would you like to initiate in Indian education system?

ANS: I would like to give the liberty of choosing subjects to the students, thus polishing their skills and making skilled leaders other than forced and frustrated employees.

  • Many students prepare sincerely but constantly live under fear that they are not from big college / not from English medium and eventually lose confidence. What message would you like to these students?

ANS: See it is not about who you are or which school you come from. Just be confident about

yourself. And to my friends who are from vernacular mediums, I would like to suggest them to start watching good English movies with subtitles, practice in front of the mirror and start talking to your friends in English! And yes b open in your approach.

  • Through this struggle and success, what have you learned? What is the wisdom of life and competition? What is your message to the upcoming BMS students?

ANS: 3 years of BMS taught me alot. There is a fiercecompetition around. Looking 3 years back down the line, there have been some wonderful memories. I remember giving my first presentation of BMS and my favourite professor whom I admire the most; Shivaprasad Sir praised our group saying, “It was the Best presentation he had ever seen in his 15 years of teaching career and we can compete the MMS students also” These words have motivated me throughout. One thing I would like to say is, BMS is all about teamwork. So you need to be a teamplayer!!!! And my advice to the students who wish to pursue BMS in future is- Do as much as experiments on yourself whether it is yourcurricular or extracurricular.

  • Your feedback for

ANS: Youguys can also take up some short duration diploma courses which will definitely enhance our skills and also add weightage to our CVs.






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