Concept Questions:-
1.    FIAT Currency
2.    NOSTRO/VOSTRO/LORO account
3.    Accommodating and autonomous transactions
4.    PIPS and POINTS
5.    Types of contracts
6.    Purchasing power parity
7.    Managed float
8.    Petrodollars
9.    Hot money
11. Translation risk
12. Tax havens
13. Authorised dealers/Money changers
14. Intervention
15. Yankee bonds
16. Leads/Lags
17. Card rates
18. Participatory notes
Long questions
1.    What are the factors affecting the BOP situations(v imp)
2.    How can a central bank take corrective actions to solve the imbalance in BOP
3.    What factors led to the development of Euro Currency market(v imp)
4.    Explain in details the GDR issue procedure
5.    What is SDR and how can it help in correction on BOP
6.    Explain the various methods of hedging
7.    Role of European Central Bank
8.    Loan syndication
9.    BIS
10. Forward contracts vs future contracts
Case study:–
1.    Convertibility of rupee
For any doubts/ queries, contact Prof. Vipin Saboo @ 9820779873