Happy Republic Day 26th January 2015 SMS, Text Messages For Mobile, WhatsApp


Happy Republic Day  (1)

5 Facts You Need To Know About Republic Day 2015:

1) Republic Day in India is celebrated on 26th January 1947.

2) Republic Day is one of the national holidays in India.

3) Republic Day is celebrated in New Delhi at the Rajpath before the President of India.

4) On this day, the Prime Minister lays a floral wreath at the Amar Jawan Jyoti which is followed by 2 minutes silence in the memory of unknown soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country.

5) Republic Day is the commemoration of the Constitution of India which came into existence on 26 January 1950.

Here we present Happy Republic Day 26th January 2015 SMS, Text Messages For Mobile, WhatsApp:

1) 117 crores of people combined fall in love with one

It is INDIA.


2) Watan ki sar bulandi me,humara naam shamil, Guzate rehna hain humko sada ese mukamo se. Jai hind. Happy Republic Day 2015!

3) It has been past 68 years after getting freedom of our India nevertheless no progress why? Do you know why? Because still the fool people of India are reading my sms. Happy Republic Day 2015!

4) Hindi hain hum hindi hain hum hindosita humara Jai Hind. Happy Republic Day 2015!

5) Each day, each hour, each minute and each second makes me proud to be a part of country called INDIA and we are the INDIANS. Happy Republic Day 2015!


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