FIFA DIARIES: Netherlands Running High



When the world cup started the talks were whether the Spain will defend the titles or will Brazil win it on their home soil. But things have changed and in just a few days now there are talks about last world cup’s finalists the Netherlands. They were in a tough group alongside Defending Champions Spain, a hardworking team with superstars Chille and a tough cookie to break Australia.

Before it all started the Dutch team’s predictions by fans would be a second finish behind Spain and probably going into next round but after the kick off of the first match of the group stage against Spain, it all changed. They completely destroyed, dismantled the defending champions and took their revenge in the 5-1 win by a brilliant 2 goals by superstars Van Persie and Robben. It was followed by a great 3-2 win against the Aussies later the Orangie defeated the mighty Chilean side 2-0 to get the top spot.

In the knockout round Netherlands are going to play Mexico which can be a tough game but surely the Dutch are the favorites. The Netherlands are taking their world cup in a riot. Yes there are other teams who will be going head to head to clinch the title but this is a team which should be counted as a favorites after what they have done in the group stages.

Some suggested that the Dutch team is a two man team Robin Van Persie and Arjen Robben are surely both the main man to take this team forward but we saw in the previous match against Chille, even without RvP the Dutch were able to get a good win. This is a team with great attacking talent and their old guard is surely a key with such an immensely experienced manager in Lois Van Gaal who is going to be the next Manchester United manager.

Only time will tell and who knows, come at the end the team in the Orange jersey might just be celebrating their first ever FIFA World Cup.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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