Explain David Holt model of Creative process for an Entrepreneur


Explain David Holt model of Creative process for an Entrepreneur.

Ans:   David Holt (2000) gives the following model of the creative process

 (1)      Idea Germination:

The germination (origination) stage is a seeding process. Most creative ideas are the result of the entrepreneurs interest in or curiosity about a new enterprise or a specific problem. It takes a lot of time (may be several years) for an idea of new product germinated in the mind of an entrepreneur and its commercial production. For most entrepreneurs, ideas begin with an ‘interest’ in a subject or ‘curiosity’ about finding a solution to a particular problem, especially important to the consumers. Nolan Bushnell founded the video game industry by trying to create a way to use micro-electricity circuitry to convert home television sets into interactive media.

(2)     Preparation:

After a seed of curiosity has taken form us a focused idea, creative people (entrepreneurs) start a conscious search for its answers. If it is a problem they are trying to solve, they begin to seek information about the problem and how others have tried to solve it. If it is an idea for a new product or service, they carry on a market research for the same. Inventor will set up laboratory experiments, designers will begin engineering new product ideas, and marketers will study consumer buying habits. The entrepreneur with an idea of a new enterprise, will consequently think about it, concentrating his energies on rational extensions of the idea and how it might become a reality. The preparation stage almost does not produce results-in rare case only, it may do so, if at all. More often, the conscious deliberation only overloads the mind of the entrepreneur. However, this stage is important because it goals him into gathering information, facts and knowledge that are vital to a final solution.

(3)     Incubation:    

‘Incubation’ means implanting (or infusing or injecting) by insistent repetition. It is the stage of subconscious assimilation of information and facts – i.e. learning and understanding them thoroughly in the subconscious mind. More often, the entrepreneurs,, instead of intensely concentrating on an idea in the conscious mind they simply allow ideas to grow without intentional effort in the subconscious mind as dreams grow in the subconscious mind, without an individual’s effort.

Most of the new or great ideas do not come in the minds of the entrepreneurs from the process of insight, but they strike suddenly to their minds while they go about doing other activities. At the incubation stage, the idea that has been seeded and given substance through preparation, is put on a back burner i.e. the subconscious mind allowing time to learn and understand thoroughly the information and facts already gathered.

Incubation is a stage of “mulling it over” (i.e. to study or ponder or think over the idea) while the subconscious intellect takes charge of the creative process. The special feature of this stage is that in subconscious process, entrepreneurs minds are not bound by any limitations of human logic. It wanders and pvrsues fantasies (pleasing mental imaginations, even unreal). Hence, it assimilates the unusual information and knowledge that cannot be assimilated in a conscious state, because when we consciously focus on a problem, we behave rationally to attempt to find systematic solutions.

(4)     Illumination:

It is the fourth stage in the creative process. Illumination occurs when the idea emerges as a realistic creation. The entrepreneur happily realises that his idea of setting up a new venture is feasible. Illumination can be triggered (activated) by a favourable or appropriate incident. When the entrepreneur is prepared and the idea is incubated, it means he is ready for a favourable or happy incident and is able to recognise its importance when it occurs. Most creative people go through many cycles of preparation and incubation, searching for that favourable incident which will act as a catalyst (change causer) to give their idea full meaning. When a cycle of creative behaviour does not result in a catalyst event, the cycle is repeated, until the idea develops (matures) or dies. This stage is of crucial importance for entrepreneurs because ideas, by themselves, have little meaning. Day dreamers never reach the illumination stage. Reaching the illumination stage by the creative people (or entrepreneurs) separates them from day dreamers.

(5)     Verification:

The idea that has illuminated in the mind of an individual still has little meaning until it is verified or validated as realistic and useful. The entrepreneur must understand what a new problem being faced by office-going women means -what kind of product or service will be befitting to solve that problem. Sometimes, the verification may take a long time. Entrepreneurial effort is essential to translate an illuminated idea into a verified, realistic, and useful application. Verification is the development stage of refined knowledge (of a product or service) into its real application. This is often a tedious job. It requires perseverance by the entrepreneur who is committed to finding a way to get the practical results of his creative idea. During this stage, many ideas may prove to be useless or of little value or impossible. The aspiring entrepreneur may come to know that his good idea has already been developed by others or may find that competitors already exist.


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