Educate & Train Customers Effectively


Educate & Train Customers Effectively: Customers needed to be educated, or in essence “socialized” so that they can perform their role effectively. Through the socialization process, it is possible for service customers to gain an appreciation of specific organizational values, develop the abilities necessary to function within a specified context, understand what is expected of them and acquire the skills & knowledge to interact with employees and other customers.

Many services offer “Customer orientation” programmes to assist customers in understanding their roles and what to expect from the process before experiencing it. Universities offer orientation programmes for new students, and often for their parents as well, to preview the culture, university procedure, & expectation of students.

Customer education can also be accomplished through written literature and customer “handbook” that describe customer’s roles & responsibilities. Many hospitals have developed patient handbooks very similar in appearance to employee handbooks to describe what the patient should do in preparation for arrival at the hospital will happen when he or she arrives and policies regarding visiting hours and billing procedures.

While formal training and written information are usually provided in advance of service experience, other strategies can be employed for continuing the customer socialization The customer required two kinds of orientation (Where am I? And how do I get from here to there) and function orientation how does this organization work and what am I supposed to do?) Orientation Aids can also take the form of rules that define customer behaviour for safety (airlines, health, clubs) for appropriate dress (restaurants, entertainments venues), and noise levels (hotels, classrooms, theatres).

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