Do Internships Help You Get Jobs?




  • What do you understand by this word?
  • Why do people take-up internships?
  • Is it really useful?
  • What work is included in a particular internship?

All these questions queue in our mind once we hear this word. We may be aware of its meaning though but the work included in an internship differs from one another.

Internship- If we go according to the dictionary or now as we call it as the google meaning an internship is a job training for a white collar and professional careers. In simple words an internship helps you face all the hurdles way in advance before you take-up any job. It gives you experience beforehand. It gives you many advantages as it teaches you many important things that would be important for any job. Time management, handling complex situations, etc.

One can take-up internship during their college years. Many companies offer different types of internships and it is followed by a simple interview which helps the company in the selection process. Internships help you learn new things. For example; if you are offered an internship for content writing i.e. writing articles for maintaining a particular site or promoting it, first you may find it difficult but as and when time passes we get used to it, our writing improves as in it becomes more precise and we try to use new words in our article so that it gives some weightage to the sentence, our vocabulary of word improves, etc.

Thus, an internship in any field helps individual in many ways be it the internship in marketing, or internship dealing with finance and accounts. It has the capability of testing one intellect and gives individuals an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and hence, not make it again in the future

It may be paid or unpaid. Well anyone would think what is the use of getting or doing an unpaid internship. An unpaid internship rather than providing you with money acknowledges the efforts you have put in their company by awarding you with a certificate. As we all know certificates are of utmost importance while we apply for a job as one of the question by the interviewer is always “what work experience do you have?” etc

Whether paid or unpaid, short term or long term, internship helps each one of us and has a positive impact.

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Afifa Qureshi


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