Explain Fixed Exchange Rates
Fixed Exchange Rates Countries following the fixed exchange rate (also known as stable exchange rate and pegged exchange rate) system agree to keep their currencies....
Fixed Exchange Rates Countries following the fixed exchange rate (also known as stable exchange rate and pegged exchange rate) system agree to keep their currencies....
Internal Economies are the economies, which are available to a particular firm and give it an advantage over other firms engaged in the industry. Internal...
The process of selecting capital investment projects consists of the following important steps: Generate alternative capital investment project proposals Estimate cashflows for the project proposals....
Money may be classified in to two types. They are: Narrow Money Broad Money Narrow Money: Narrow money represents M1 and M2. that...
Membership of the Fund: The IMF started functioning with an initial number of 44 members i.e., all the 44 members of the U.N.O. present at...
Fixation of exchange rates: In the matles of fixation of exchange rates, initially and subsequently, the fund allowed a weak and passive policy. It had...
Cost and Production Analysis A study of economic costs, combined with the data drawn from the firm’s accounting records, can yield significant cost estimates. These...
In order to come up with intelligent decisions, managers must be able to obtain, process and use information. Economic theory assists managers to know what...
There are four specific ways in which profit performance of a business can be improved, which are as follows: Increasing the volume of sales: Considering...
Adam Smith – Economics is an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. Ralph W. Emerson – He described the...