5 Quick Facts About ‘Mamata Banerjee’, Images and Videos


1:- Mamata Banerjee was born on 5th January 1955, she is an Indian Politician. Banerjee is the 8th chief minister of West Bengal.  She is often referred to as ‘Didi‘.

2:-Mamata Banerjee served as the Minister of Railways twice and she is also the first woman Railway Minister Of India.

3:-Banerjee is the chairperson of the All India Trinamool Congress(AITMC) which was found by her in 1997. In 2012, Time Magazine named her as one of the “The 100 most influential people in the world.”

4:-Mamata Banerjee protested against the recent arrest of Madan Mitra for Saradha scam case. Banerjee attacked Narendra Modi saying,”if image is a proof of criminal conspiracy, then the Prime Minister should be Arrested for Sahara scam.”

5:-She said this referring to the photos of Mitra  sharing the dais with Saradha group chairman Sudipata Sen, who is now in judicial custody in connection with the scam.



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Aisha Khan

Hello there. I am Aisha Khan, studying Bms First year in Ritumbara College.


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