22 October 2014 Choti Diwali Speech / Short Essay In English Free Download


22 October 2014 Choti Diwali Speech / Short Essay In English Free Download

Narak Chaturdashi 11 Narak Chaturdashi 12 Narak Chaturdashi 13

In South-India, people wake up before sunrise prepare a paste by mixing Kumkum in oil, which is called ‘Ubtan‘, on their foreheads and then take bath. The breaking of the fruit represents the head of the demon King, Narakasur and the kumkum-oil paste symbolizes the blood that Lord Krishna smeared His forehead with.

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In Maharashtra also, traditional early baths with oil and “Uptan” (paste) of gram flour and fragrant powders are a `must’. All through the ritual of baths, deafening sounds of crackers and fireworks are there in order that the children enjoy bathing. Afterward steamed vermicelli with milk and sugar or puffed rice with curd is served.“In Bengal and east India, this day is called Kali Chaudas and celebrated as the birthday of Ma Kali. In Bengal Kali Ma’s murti’s are set up in pandals and Kali puja is performed on this day.”


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